course tto

Professional training course for


Learn how to create tech transfer deals
out of research results.

Athens (GR)

15-16 June 2022

Museum of Mineralogy - School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering- NTUA

NTUA Zografos Campus - 9 Heroon Polytechniou Str. Zografou 15780, Athens, Greece
Deadline for applications: June 10th


The workshop is organized in three modules of 3:30 hours each

  • The Impactful TTO
    How to organise your Tech Transfer activities
  • Building the Business Case
    How to develop tech transfer cases out of market needs
  • The right exploitation strategy
    How to license to corporate and when to launch a new venture

Welcome lunch 13:00 on June 15
The course starts at 14:30 on June 15 and ends at 17:30 on June 16

The workshop will feature small classes of selected attendees who will bring their own IP cases to maximize learning. It is mandatory to attend to all the three modules. The workshop will be replicated in various locations in EU until end of 2021. All workshops attendance costs are eligible under EIT RawMaterials funded KAVAs (e.g. Up-scaling projects). To know more about this read this FAQ

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